Notable artifacts in the series and world.
The Amulet of Ra granted Hayelon the Guardian her superb powers. The Amulet is a large chunk of Ramuchian crystal that was imbued with a wide spectrum of pow...
The Ashukan is an artifact passed down Sawapash royalty. It has the ability to generate and control massive amounts of water. Only a Sawapash, especially of ...
The Primordial Essence of Containment/Contraction.
The Dimensional Weapon is a Diamondae artifact capable of massive destruction. It is responsible for the end of Flana and is the subject of the Dimensional W...
Ceremonial Spikarian artifact guarded by the Yiusha-Waalar. Not tangible all the time.
Worn by King/Queens to be of Flana. Once seized by Cyclone.
The Malih'mael'sakier of King Flurat Fla'neiel.
Khara'kor is a sentient weapon.
The term for the item made during the Flana ritual of Mael’na’missina.A specialized artifact. Can be anything. Attunes itself to the maker.
A feather of Arktaren