Eyexierkhar typically are seen wearing suits that provide the specific toxic air they require. Some do not, as they alter their forms to be free from it. They have a patchy look to them.
Eyexierkhar require a specific mixture of chemicals and elements in the air they breathe to survive. This unique composition exists only on Eyexierkhar and planets they have colonized. For any other race that breathes, this mixture is toxic and will result in death. Eyexierkhar can use suits or various forms of self-modification to breathe outside of their planets.
Eyexierkhar are covered in layers of porous, flaky skin. It is almost scaly in its consistency. The different layers of skin can vary in color, so the Eyexierkhar appear patchy in their complexion. Their skin sheds and regrows constantly.
Eyexierkhar are known for their bio and chemical engineering.