Gambling of all forms is a core part of Empirian culture. On the Spine of the Empire, at any given moment, there can be billions of different bets happening. From the victor of a duel to who a famous being may take as a mate, anything can be transformed into a bet. The duration of these bets can be of any length, and some, perhaps, will never end with an answer as that answer may never surface.
Both the intangible and tangible can be wagered in these bets. The intangible can be illusory points or simply respect and awe. Xerjaon, property, artifacts, and more are all used as physical wagers in these betting pools. In one instance, a planet was bet that Nefertiti Magayak and High Chancellor Ramulein were together. The ones regarding couplings/pairings are the most intense of all betting bools as they are frothing with gossip regarding these famous and sometimes polarizing beings.