Characters major and minor.
Magniya King is the last surviving Magvierak. He is also a Diamondae hold-out. Basically an enigma. Basically the same age as The Ascended.
Former God of Magic
Malcolm Zfnoc was the most infamous Avatar Zfnoc. He battled Hayelon and the Trinity and the One.
Eyexierkhar Bio-weapon specialist. Slightly insane. Works with Baune.
The Fallen Angel Malnoren. Scourge of Evalon.
Marcus is a Human who was part of the Dimensional Weapon Incident. Now a disciple of Hades.
High Priestess of Eisatanlon—the one who told Jar'jul that they worshipped too much.
Djohja's Sawapash mate. Transportation helper. Magical front.
Mason Zfnoc was one of the first Avatars.
Spellbinder's teacher. Trinity groupie.